Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I got my hair done. It always feels so good to get your hair cut.

Eveytime I get my hair done I always ask my hairdresser to give me a new look...but not too different but a change, but only a change that I can notice. :) He laughs at me every time because he says...a change but really the same hair cut I had before.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Please pray for my nephew Alex

Last Friday, we found out that my brother in law's son was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He is now at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal going through Chemo therapy. He is the youngest patient known to have that type of Leukemia at the Jewish General. He will be part of a research study of a new drug.

Please say a prayer for him and his family. I can't imagine the pain and shock they are going through.

I wish them all the strength and courage they need to get through this.

It just happened so quickly.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Forgive me for my spelling mistakes...I did not have time to reread my post.

I am not giving up on my blog Dawn..I promise

Renovating!!!!!! That is what is going around here in my house. We decided to renovate the whole basement and the washroom on the main floor. Big bucks and tons of dust. I have been busy shopping, getting faucets, a new bath, tiles, toilets and a showers. So my kind of shopping at one store. I got everything for two washrooms and the whole basement flooring at one store. I went to Ceramic Decor here in Quebec, and I bought everything there. Once I figure out how to post pictures, I will post them on my blog of the fnal result. The basement flooring is done, the washroom downstairs is almost complete..I am still waiting for the stairs, the doors and the..what do you call the borders around the windows and at the bottom of the walls? In early May, the main washroom should be done.

I have a great wood worker who is making all of our things we want in black walnut wood for a great price. The doors and borders and the washroom vanities will all be in that type of wood. The wood is a medium chocolate brown color and that is it's natural color. I bought a nice glass shower to.

Lola is getting big, Martin is often away but at least he gets the summer off. He has a couple contracts this summer but other than that, we will enjoy the pool and maybe look into going down south for a week, if we get a great deal. This year will be ten years that Martin and I have been married so we wanted to go down south to celebrate. Anyway, we will book something last minute to get a good deal.

The weather is getting warmer and the snow here is melting away, I believe it will be close to 20 degrees on Wednesday.

I woke up to a toothache last Friday..I think it is my wisdom teeth coming through. Nothing worse than a toohache. I can barely open my mouth, brushing my teeth hurts. The dentist has been bugging me to pull out those widom teeth for 8 years now. I am off to the dentist on Thurday. I was paying 2500$ a year for dental insurance with work. We barely go to the dentist except for a cleaning once a year, we have not had cavities for years, so I decided to cancel my dental insurance since three cleanings a year does not cost that much. Now that I cancelled the insurance, Martin's wisdom teeth chad to be pulled out, now mine.

Well got to go.

I wille posting a great and simple recipe soon. Crunchie Bars.

It is so simple and only 3 ingredients. Corn syrup, baking soda and sugar.

Got to go


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Don't you hate this when this happens......

I hate it when you write something long on the computer and then you press just before sending it a key and loose everything. Well it just happened to me.

I sure do not feel like retyping the whole story so you will not hear my funny post tonight.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Liberio Family

I thought this was a great way to keep a scrapbook of my family without all the fancy stickers.

My friend Dawn introduced me to the blogworld and now I am totally addicted. I just decided to try to open my own.

My name is Teri, I am blessed to be married to my husband of 10 years and blessed to be the mother of my precious Lola.

We live in Quebec City, Canada